My baby is not a baby anymore. He turned one on August 15. And already, he has a favourite show -- "Play With Me Sesame." Whenever he sees ay "Sesame Street" characters he points and yells "Heeeeeeey" and he also demands "Ehmo, Ehmo, Ehmo" when he sees me scrolling through the PVR list.
So it was a no-brainer to make Sesame Street cupcakes when we were going to have some of his young cousins over for a visit.
I am not going to lie. I was worried about how they'd turn out because I was using cream cheese frosting that I'd made once before on Hummingbird Cupcakes. and I wasn't sure the food colouring would absorb properly.
We all know what happens when I panic and add too much food colouring to cupcake frosting.
I frosted these a few hours in advance with a large piping tip, topped them with these Sesame Street-themed rings I bought on eBay and put them in the fridge. And you know what? They turned out just fine. And I got more than a few giggles from my baby boy and lots and lots of "Heeeeeys" -- which, in his world, means these cupcakes get five stars out of five.
Mary, your cupcakes look great and that frosting......I wish I could reach through the computer and take a swipe with my finger, lol. I read about your Christmas cupcakes and had a good laugh....sorry! ;o) I hope you're enjoying this gorgeous Friday. Let's hope it lasts (I'm refusing to believe the forecast of rain for this weekend...).