Friday, January 14, 2011

National Delurking Day

Hello, readers! Are you a lurker? Do you read my blog without leaving a comment? Do you pop in to check on me without saying hello? Now's your chance to come out of hiding and tell me more about yourself... It's National Delurking Day! (Please, leave a comment even if you see this post any time over the next few days).

Inquiring minds want to know:

  • Who are you and where do you live? (I'm Mary and I live in Toronto.)
  • Do I know you in real life?
  • Do you have a blog? (Um, yeah)
  • Who is your celebrity doppelganger? (I'm told I look like Natalie Wood.)
  • What did you have for breakfast today? (Greek yogurt and honey parfait.)
  • What are you craving at this very second? (A vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting.)
  • Which books are on your bedside table? (Bill Bryson's "At Home", Thackeray's "Vanity Fair," "Sesame Street Bedtime Stories", Ian McEwan's "Solar", Jonathan Franzen's "Freedom", "Goodnight Moon", "Moo, Baa, Lalala."
  • What's the last great meal you had? (Mine was at Martin Picard's Au Pied de Cochon restaurant in Montreal: gnocchi, tomato tartlet, bison short rib, poutine, poudding chomeur. It was a veritable taste awakening.)
Even if you answer only one of the questions above, or simply say hello, I'd love to hear from you! Come out, come out, wherever you are!


  1. I read your blog all the time :)

    I am currently eating a frozen pizza (boring), although I did have a very drool worth meal last Saturday at Via Allegro in Etobicoke
    braised beef with a goat cheese and walnut stuffing, served with a bed of walnut pear risotto covered in prosciutto - amazing!

  2. Well, I do sometimes leave comments, but I'm bored so I'll answer anyway.

    - I'm Jennifer and I live in Toronto.
    - Yes, we met through the Internet and now live sort of down the street from one another.
    - Yes, but it's not nearly as cool as yours.
    - Celebrity doppelganger? Um, I really don't think I have one.
    - I had several homemade mini banana muffins for breakfast.
    - I'm craving chocolate anything.
    - Sadly, I haven't been reading much lately.
    - Last great meal? Totally not special like yours, but the one that comes to mind is our fifth anniversary dinner at the Keg... lol.

  3. Hi, I pop in sometimes. I'm Annie from Tennessee.
