Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baby shower flower cupcakes

My first attempt at making red velvet cupcakes was unimpressive. Muddy rust, rather than red, cream cheese frosting that wouldn't hold a peak, they were a bit of a mess that even rainbow sprinkles couldn't brighten up.

But when I was asked to make some cupcakes for a baby shower around Valentine's Day this year, I decided to try making them again as the colour scheme would be fitting. 
This time with a new recipe. It's a good thing I tried, because my faith in my red velvet cupcake-making abilities was restored with this new recipe.
I don't have the time to get into the recipe I used for this batch, but stay tuned for an upcoming post --this time I did my research and I can assure you that you'll want to bookmark it.
I made the flowers out of white chocolate, tinted them pink with food colouring, piped the cream cheese frosting with the largest round decorating tip I had, and finished them off by sprinkling pink dragees. Rather cute, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Mary, your cupcakes are gorgeous! I've only tried once to make red velvet cupcakes and they were a horrid, disgusting, unappetizing shade of gross. I can't believe the colour of yours. Looking forward to the recipe!
