Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pumpkin-Swirl Brownies

Sometimes, admittedly, I feel lazy. My friends and family may tell you I'm definitely not lazy because I'm always on the go, but sometimes I just don't feel like seeing a recipe through.

So I take shortcuts. Case in point: During my quick stop at Trader Joe's in Boston, one of the mixes I picked up was a brownie mix. In fact, it shouldn't even be called a mix, because you didn't have to add anything to it, just pour it into a brownie pan and bake. How amazing is that? But, I had leftover pumpkin puree and I wondered if there was a recipe that could help me combine both flavours.

A short Google search told me Martha Stewart had the answer (of course she did). Pumpkin-Swirl Brownies! You can find the recipe here. You can substitute any other quick brownie mix into this recipe, or perhaps follow the recipe if you have the time.

Substitutions: Other than the obvious, I did make a mistake. Rather than topping the chocolate batter with the pumpkin, I mixed them. The result was a less-obvious pumpkin component. I'm not convinced my brownies would have had that bright orange pumpkin colour even if I had followed the recipe to the letter, but you'll want to read this recipe over a couple of times. I found the wording wasn't very clear.

Would I make this again: I don't think so. It was good but at the end of the day I like the more fudge, less cake-like brownies and I had to keep these in the oven for so long to cook these through that the edges became rather dry. It's worth experimenting if you love the taste combination, however, because the flavours were definitely there.

Grade: Three stars out of five.

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